illusion Animated Productions

Illustrations created by illusion Animated Productions


In addition to its work as an animation company, illusion Animated Productions also creates illustrations for magazine articles, caricatures and portraits, children’s book covers and educational book content.

Our experience of adapting our styles for a range animation service projects, means that we are able to work in a wide variety of styles to suit the needs of any publication.

We can provide innocent designs for a pre-school audience or sophisticated imagery to illustrate the more difficult concepts of social science, corporate or medical articles.

Realistic illustrations

Despite being an animation company, not all of our illustration work is in a cartoon style or is humorous. Many of the book cover and editorial work we have produced is executed in a more painterly or a photo-realistic style.

We produce formal portraiture in oil-paint or acrylics on canvas for hanging in the boardrooms of our corporate clients. View an example of a realistic illustration

We produce personalised birthday cards containing caricatures or portraits of individuals.

We have also produced framed pet portraits for the homes of clients.

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We'd love to hear from you if you've got something to say or would like to find out more.

Gordon Lennox – Lennox Estates (CEO)
illusion Animated Productions also creates framed, hand-painted portraits from life or photographs on canvas. ×